
In today’s rush, amid endless distractions and mounting todo lists, being mindful of where we invest our time has never been more difficult.

Daybox helps you get real with where you spend your time.
It’s so much more than a to-do list – it’s a time-boxing tool that will unlock lost time in each day.
Meet the Flex Calendar
Your day rarely goes exactly to plan. Daybox automatically shuffles your day when you fall behind – and when you’re ahead.
Works with Google and Apple Calendar
(Outlook coming soon)
Get real with your list.
It’s easy to add tasks to your list – it’s much harder to actually do them.
All tasks in Daybox have a time. When you have too much on your plate, you’ll know.

Time-boxing is a tried & tested productivity methodology practised by leaders across every industry.

Take back control
of your time.

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